Introducing the world’s first mega-orphanage. Providing a forever home to children ages newborn to 18-years-old. We create a forever home where children are raised with morals, skills, and guidance on how to function as a family. As they grow we provide education, apprenticeships, and training for job placement. And, most importantly, love. Offering a family environment, children are supported so they can find their God-given talents so they can be happy in today’s society using those talents. Our end goal is a loved, happy child that grows into a productive and stable adult.
Guide. Protect. Nurture.
Creating a better future with real hope.
Building A Rock Solid Future
There is always a choice. A choice to do the right thing.
The Lion's Rock Of Hope
Joy. Opportunity. Future.
The Lion’s Rock Of Hope
What we offer
Our motto is hope. Hope is something that you need to white-knuckle and have a bulldog grip on as you travel through all the storms, and opposition you are going to face in getting to your goal. If you lack that hope you will never make it through those storms. We provide hope through:
- Love
- Food
- Care
- Education
- Skills training
- Hope
Support Our Cause
Through hope, faith, and prayer foster children will have a safe place to call their forever home.
Imagine knowing you come from a family who loves you. Now imagine creating that. This is what the Lion’s Rock of Hope is.
If we can help one child to feel loved, safe, and happy we are doing something to improve the world. Doing God’s work to serve.